Friday 7 March 2014

Interview with Layla, the ragdol ....

And here we are with the interview we conducted with Layla, who lives in the same household as Ray.
Good morning, miss, what is your name? My name is Layla Thys, I did not always used to be called Layla, but I quite like it! Better than my last name, in fact!
When were you born? I was born on 29 September 2009, which makes me older than Ray, not that that gives me the upper hand though!
Where were you born? Well I don't really know I presume I was born in Belgium somewhere, and I ended up in a family that I didn't like very much at all! You could say I am a rescue cat! One day Ophelia picked me up and took me home with her, I was utterly depressed and unhappy, and just slept all day, I was very thin.... after a while with her and Ray, I felt so much better..... It still gives me the shivers to think about the other place, soo many pets, 5 cats, two dogs, a bird, a rabbit, one of those gerbil things in a cage, not to mention the 4 kids, shrieking at me all day, and every time I got to the food bowl there was nothing left, so needless to say, when I saw the abundance of food at Ophelia's I was in heaven!
Who are your parents? Well no information was supplied when Ophelia rescued me, but I am a blue mitted ragdol.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful cat! Good story. Again I want to read more!


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